Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc.

Yeladim: Guardianship

Program Israel: Orphans

The funds have gone to great use this quarter. Several of our Ethiopian orphans have needed hair treatment. Both Bar and Michal enjoyed a day at the hair spa that specializes in their hair type. Their faces glowed and still have smiles because of their increase self-esteem. 

Shahar left the residential care and needed to move to live by himself. He couldn’t afford his gym, which is so important emotionally.

Y. is overweight and we wanted her to learn swimming and participated in a nail design lesson.

O. continues to advance and actually creates his own music samplings.

S. was abandoned and abused by her mom. She became a beautiful girl that needed orthodontic therapy. 

A.'s mom is addicted to alcohol and his father is unstable and poor (formerly came from Moldova to be a builder and stayed illegally in Israel). The money helped financing their meeting.

D. is an orphan from both parents. On July-August he stays at his hosting family and participated in a summer camp (The payment was due to June)
M.'s mom is addicted to alcohol. He tends to save all his money and never buys new clothes. 

N.'s mom was killed in a car accident 3 years ago. She wanted this digital watch that was fashionable.

R. left the residential care at the end of his 11th year. He decided to live by himself and need to pay the tuition fee and also to buy new school uniform :)

D. started his independent life and needed to fix his bike in order to arrive his job properly. 
D.'s father murdered his mom and committed suicide. It was his dream to get a driving lessons 

H. is heavily overweight and needs to practice. We tried to encourage him by enrolling him to a gym.

We need your help:

We are currently sponsoring 15 orphans: school tutorial programs, driving school,  hair treatment for Ethiopian girls, VARIOUS EXTRA-CURRICULAR SPORTS PROGRAMS. Our hope is to grow this number, but we cannot do it without your help. Please click on the link above, select Orphans/At-Risk Youth under Purposes to help sponsor one or more of Israel's orphans.

For more information, contact Michelle via the Contact link. She will be able to give you more detailed financial support information.