Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc.

There are two ways you can immediately help:

1. Donate Via Our eGiving Site:

 The new platform for IBF allows us to give our donors an OPTION to pay the fee instead of IBF paying the fees. Until last month, IBF has never had this option and has been 100% responsible for paying all fees for all donors who give online. At no time have we required a donor to pay our fees nor will we ever require this payment. It is completely up to you, the donor, to decide if you want to pay the fee we are charged for giving online. The fees are less than 2.50% per donation. 

eGiving allows donations via ACH, Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. You may make a one-time donation or schedule how often you'd like to make donations through scheduling automatic withdraws or charges


2. Send Check or Money Order to:

Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc.
PO Box 710513, Houston, TX 77271 USA

Please make checks payable to Israel Benevolence Fund, Inc.

If you need IBF mailing envelopes, email Michelle. She will send as many as you need.